E-Plas PL is an Australian owned leading national supplier of premium engineering industrial and high performance plastics as well as proprietary formula linings for bulk handling applications and truck bodies. E-Plas Sales Branches are located in Ravenhall VIC Underwood QLD Seven Hills NSW Dudley Park SA and Belmont WA. The range includes TIVAR 88 Ceram P TIVAR Dryslide Quicksilver Truck Lining Systems Sustarin Acetal Sustamid Nylons UHMWPE HDPE Cast Nylon PTFE PEEK PE100 and Polycarbonate which can be manufactured into custom guarding for machinery and equipment on any scale. Stock shapes linings. Our range includes bulk handling linings for hoppers rail cars gravel trains trucks and other mining general bulk handling and agricultural applications. It also includes plastics for medical and pharmaceutical applications such as patient slides chemical containers and also includes Borotron suitable for nuclear medicine applications. We also supply plastics for orthotic applications. It also includes food safe and FDA Approved plastics and much more.E-Plas Manufacturing provides custom CNC Machining and Fabrication to customer specifications. Cut to Size. ISO 9001 2015.
JET MHC has over 20 years of experience within the Grain and feed handling industry servicing the bucket elevator and conveyor industry with design and product supply. We are proficient in designing cost effective solutions and products for each application.Our product range is well known and used worldwide in the following bulk material handling industries including Grain ,Feed Mills, Flour Mills, Coal , Iron Ore ,Power Stations, Cement plants, Chemical and other quarrying and mining industries.
Since 1955, we've manufactured and exported high-quality, productive, safe equipment to port operators, stevedores and maritime logistics companies including Bulk Grabs, Dust Controlled Discharge Hoppers, Log Lifters, Container and Pulp Spreaders.
GLOBAL LEADERS IN CONVEYOR IDLER MANUFACTURING AND SUPPLYRKM leads the way in the design performance supply and manufacturing of conveyor idlers and mine structure.We have the knowledge and proven ability to support your needs with our world class testing laboratory in-house custom design calculation program 3rd party independent testing and ongoing research and development projects.With over 35 years engineering experience in the conveyor industry RKM is well equipped to provide the ideal tailored engineering solution for you.